Algeria Vs Egypt

Getty Images 9 hours ago

CAIRO, EGYPT - NOVEMBER 14: Rafik Halliche of Algeria is helped of the field after the FIFA2010 World Cup qualifying match between Egypt and Algeria at the Cairo International Stadium on November 14, 2009 in Cairo, Egypt.

The harbor and admiralty, Algiers -


Hassan Terro

Tassili & Hoggar 2

Tassili & Hoggar

Rapper Lotfi de Double Kanon

Rapper Lotfi de Double Kanon of Algeria performs during the 2nd Pan African Cultural Festival (Panaf) of Algiers at Riad el Feth Place in Algiers July 16, 2009. Algeria first hosted the first edition of the Panaf in 1969, and plans to revive its artistic influence over Africa with its second edition.

Luce Ben Aben, Moorish women preparing couscous, Algiers, Algeria

Luce Ben Aben, Moorish women preparing couscous, Algiers, Algeria

Red Sea street, Algiers, Algeria

Red Sea street, Algiers, Algeria

Street in the old town, I, Biskra, Algeria


Diaporama de Flickr d'images d'Alger...

Diaporama de Flickr d'images du sud algérien...quelle beauté ?

Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.

Vidéo trouvée sur facebook résumant la beauté de l'Algérie

Gouraya, la crique (Algeria)


Algerians attend a music performance by an African band in front of the "unknown soldier" memorial during the third day of the second Pan-African Cultural Festival (PANAF) in Algiers on July 7, 2009. Algeria is hosting the second (PANAF) at the request of the African Union, 40 years after the north African country staged the first such event, when several nations were still struggling for independence. More than 8,000 artists and writers from all over Africa, as well as Brazil and the United States, are descending on Algeria for a huge cultural festival that kicks off this weekend until July 20.

Pan-African Cultural Festival

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